
Search "user:alex_makarets"

20 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#16

@supertorpe discord is ok for me.

General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#14

@supertorpe very nice to hear that you are active on the project! From your op it seemed to me that after you release v3.0 you a going to take another couple of years break. To answer your post. Yes, …

General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#12

Hi again! I installed the android app and after maybe a week I think I have come across some bugs. There was a message "stockfish runs slowly" and the buttons stopped working. All of that appears to h…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Vs percentile#3

It seems that lichess counts only players active during last 7 days and chesscom counts all accounts. Which explains perfectly why chesscom player pools may be stronger but reaching certain percentile…

Game analysis - Endgame: If you have 3 pawns for a knight, should you trade 1 set of rooks?#8

No engine here, only an amateur's eye. Rule of thumb that comes to mind. If the rooks are of similar activity and there are no apparent attacks the side who is better should trade one pair of rooks. A…

General Chess Discussion - Ideal strategy for puzzles to get better at chess#14

These days I do 2 puzzle streaks (till I fail which happens usually between 35 and 55) and 5 difficult puzzles (my rating) a day. I always take my time and try to calculate all the relevant variations…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Endgame Training webapp updated#6

Wow! Suddenly my mindless forum lurking paid off. You created a brilliant learning resource. Many thanks!

General Chess Discussion - My chess is not improving#3

What is your goal? As mentioned above, improving your chess and improving your bullet skills are two completely different things. I am not sure about what to do to improve at bullet. Doing some simple…

General Chess Discussion - Strange combination of openings?#7

I think it's generally good for your development as a player to be exposed to different types of positions. Aggressive w white and solid w black is a good way to go. Btw, what is your full repertoire?

General Chess Discussion - Did Puzzles actually improve your chess#29

They did help me but only after I started incorporating "tactic-checks" in my thought process during the games which required switching to 30+20 time control. But here I mean demanding puzzles which r…
