
Search "user:RGroszkiewicz"

8 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Possible bug - private arena tournament#1

I have set up a private arena tournament for the last 4 weeks. Sometimes none of the players can join the tournament. Even though I did not specify a password, it asks for one. It seems that the tourn…

Lichess Feedback - Draw by repetition - NOT found#5

OK, I had a Linux computer handy, so I tried running the same study under Firefox. Now Stockfish plays MUCH more intelligently under Linux than it does under Windows.

Lichess Feedback - Draw by repetition - NOT found#4

Agree that there is a simple win, but Stockfish doesn't see it on my computer. Even after Rc6-c3-g3, Stockfish prefers giving endless checks to Black's King instead of taking Black's Queen.

Lichess Feedback - Draw by repetition - NOT found#2

Today I tried line using Chrome Browser (instead of Firefox) in Windows 7. This found a different line of play: 8.Rc3. This still does NOT give higher evaluation to line without threefold repetition. …

Lichess Feedback - Draw by repetition - NOT found#1

I analyzed an over the board game I played on 05/04/2019. here is a link to the study I created: I thought the knight sacrifice on g6 would win, but it is not the be…
