
Search "user:Catanese88"

26 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Draw by Insufficient Material?#11

I get it. So, hypothetically, I could help my opponent mate me.

General Chess Discussion - Draw by Insufficient Material?#1

Hello, I just lost a Horde chess game on time I was black, with the pieces, and the game ended with my opponent having only a Queen and no pawns left. I had a rook and 1 pawn to go with my king. My op…

General Chess Discussion - Arrows on the Board#1

Can opponents see the arrows we draw on the board AFTER the game concludes? It seems to me that this would help the players to discuss their match after the game. But, I'm not sure if the arrows can a…

General Chess Discussion - I don't like sicilian#2

avoid the Sicilian if it's that much of a problem for you

General Chess Discussion - Why do some people do that#79

@MohammadAayanKhan But if you don’t know that you’re about to get mated, then how do you know you’re opponent isn’t also looking for the mate and then finds it at the last second? Obviously it’s not a…

General Chess Discussion - Should the Sound of Check be Removed in Bullet?#18

@ruzgar9543 there is something wrong with it, I choose not to tell my opponent OTB, so I should also be allowed to choose not to tell my opponent online but lichess does it for me (I would never allow…

General Chess Discussion - Traxler#9

@RickRenegade I agree with the fact that Traxler won't be seen high up in classical games. But, I was just commenting on OP's game which was a Rapid (10 +0) game. I think at that time control with OP'…

General Chess Discussion - Should the Sound of Check be Removed in Bullet?#15

@ruzgar9543 what? remove checks? i'm talking about the notification of checks i'm saying, if you're playing OTB, and somebody else, a third party, who is not playing the game, comes over to your oppon…

General Chess Discussion - Should the Sound of Check be Removed in Bullet?#13

@ruzgar9543 that's only a difference of degree, not one of principle The principle is that the player shouldn't receive any advice.

General Chess Discussion - Should the Sound of Check be Removed in Bullet?#11

@Schtaeve @SavageAntarctican Yeah, come to think of it, it should be the same amongst all the time controls. In my opinion, if my opponent (or myself for that matter , I will say "us") starts to think…
