
Search "user:Baeron-7"

37 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What is e4 in Englund Gambit?#9

Just looking at the position I would be hard pressed to come up with a different move than e4. Looks like the most natural by far to me.

General Chess Discussion - Playing Daily Improves Our Chess Level Or Need To Do Learn Something??#2

Playing (slower controls) and (thoroughly) analyzing is certainly very helpful - if done right. And if done right you will automatically want/have to check how stronger players play the kind of openin…

Game analysis - FIDE Candidates 2024#4

Well I still don’t get what he means as I don’t see any possibility to gain 4-3 ebding. It’s not very helpful to ask such a question without giving any line.

Game analysis - FIDE Candidates 2024#2

Which move number are you talking about?

General Chess Discussion - It is a terrible format to run the Women FIDE candidates & the FIDE candidates at the same time.#15

A the old force-feeding argument, don’t we just love it. I hope that being absolutely forced to watch the GMs in the women‘s section will leave no permanent mark. By the way there are streams that exc…

General Chess Discussion - What is chess psychology?#4

I understand the term chess psychology in a much broader way, pertaining to all mental aspects of the game. Some of the behaviours described here so far border on the downright unsportsmanlike and cou…

General Chess Discussion - Why are people in lichess so quiet?#41

I let my chess do the talking. Sorry, just had to do it.

General Chess Discussion - How to quickly refresh yourself within the breaks of OTB tournaments#2

Take a walk.

General Chess Discussion - Meditation#6

@MrPushwood said in #3: > That would be mediation. Why not try medication?

General Chess Discussion - Best commentator duo?#3

Svidler and whoever.
