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40 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What do you call it when you fork the king, queen and both rooks?#10

half an octopus'd

Lichess Feedback - feature request for premoves #3

@Melora i think i explained it (hopefully not too complicatedly) here: "this means for example even if ur opponent moves the piece that u attacked (via rightclick premove) it will still be captured de…

Lichess Feedback - feature request for premoves #1

id like to see a way of premoving/binding pieces to pieces instead of just premoving to squares/locations example: with ur left mouse button u can premove like u always did (to a location/square) but …

Lichess Feedback - Keyboard to move piece with arrow key?#2

do u want to specifically move with the arrow keys or would it be okay (or maybe even better) to have hotkeys? u could probably make a point that hotkeys speed up generally any game if u r used to the…

Game analysis - Lost several times against a 1200 rated player#9

48 is nearly impossible i doubt ud be able to form understandable sentences with 48 iq ud miss ur mouth when trying to put food into it if u didnt have some severe accident/malnutrition to ur head any…

Lichess Feedback - question/request about studies#3

@MrGM okay i totally failed finding that thx for showing me teh ways~ maybe it would be nice if it was a bit easier to find then (or maybe its just me being bad at finding stuff :p)

Lichess Feedback - question/request about studies#1

is it possible to delete a study? if it isnt it should be implemented i think sometimes u may just want to show something to someone on the analysis board in real time and the study isnt meant to be k…

Game analysis - Kasparov, how?#14

i am an iphone and i can confirm all of this as well

Lichess Feedback - request regarding board editor/popular openings#2

woops i accidentally posted the same screenshot twice somehow here is the second screenshot i meant to post in the first place:

Lichess Feedback - request regarding board editor/popular openings#1

i'd like to see that when u click an opening and choose it as "from position" in the board editor that it doesnt just simply show that very position but also that u can see how it got to that point (m…
