
Search "user:alex_makarets"

20 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Changing openings for extremely long term improvement.#20

@Chambaru said in #17: > i believe that the opening study is not something that is effective immediately, but only in the long run. the positions that Najdorf and Grunfeld bring are sharp and it is di…

General Chess Discussion - Changing openings for extremely long term improvement.#7

Hello! I would like to double on the question. I have one opening currently (e4/caro/classical slav) and wondering when is the right time to pick one more. Sure learning more openings is good for impr…

General Chess Discussion - I reached 2200 in Rapid. Help me reach 2300!#23

To the op my advice will be to switch to slower time control and do puzzles. Both easy ones and difficult ones. And analyze your games. Not sure if my opinion is of that great value.

General Chess Discussion - I reached 2200 in Rapid. Help me reach 2300!#22

Hi there! I have a similar question. I am around 2200 lichess in rapid and classical, and I realize the 2 main things I should do to improve is solving puzzles, and playing and analyzing slower games.…

General Chess Discussion - 2000+ rated players, if you play on chesscom what is your rating there?#6

Hard to compare, but it feels like about 150 points in rapid. Currently I am 2005 on chesscom and 2154 here.

Lichess Feedback - Why is there no one playing 10+5 or 15+10 here?#6

@mcgoves said in #5: > I doubt there's a threshold as such; just that the pool is small. And as your rating increases, you end up on the tail of the bell curve, where opponents decrease and waits incr…

Lichess Feedback - Why is there no one playing 10+5 or 15+10 here?#3

I play 15+10 and when I try to find a 2200+ opponent I have a problem. There seems to be a kind of a threshold above which people don't like this. At 2100 it is still ok though. I don't know about 10+…

Lichess Feedback - Maestro piece set not showing.#2

A maestro should be able to play blindfold I guess .

Lichess Feedback - Lichess please don't copy

Personally I don't see the point of giving moves fancy names. Computer analysis on lichess is ideal imo.

Lichess Feedback - Add online check for users in swiss tournaments#2

Very good idea! I think that's basically what they have done on chesscom. My guess is that people who are not online at the moment of every pairing procedure don't get paired. At first glance it elimi…
