

20 years , its a long time isnt it , i can remember how after being asian was enough reason to be insulted in the street and also be target for random stop checks by any passing bored copper ,
this even if you wasnt muslim or from the yemen or saudi arabia where the hijackers came from , the fallout from that of anti asian hate has taken along time to subside and it hasnt fully yet ,
My Match was on 911, it started exactly at 9:11, and The coach called 911 for somereason which i dont know
@sabutuma said in #11:
> this even if you wasnt muslim or from the yemen or saudi arabia where the hijackers came from , the fallout from that of anti asian hate has taken along time to subside and it hasnt fully yet ,

There was violence directed at anyone brown. Sikhs were murdered in the US by people looking for 'payback,' but Bush did well in the aftermath of the attacks in defending Muslims and other minorities. He forcefully came out and said that Islam is a religion of peace, and that the attack was not an attack by all Muslims. He had a multi-denominational prayer session in the weeks after that included Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs and Hindus.

Sadly anti-Asian hate is on the rise in the US. As the divisive rhetoric of 'Wuhan Flu' or 'Kung Flu' heated up, you saw a rise in violence targetting Asians. I'm a proud New Yorker, and think our multiculturalism is one of our greatest strengths, and it breaks my heart to see Chinese grandmothers beaten and bloodied by young men with weapons by fifty years their junior. I've friends that have had shit yelled at them, making them feel unsafe even walking around their neighborhoods.

I said elsewhere that we're more fractured today than we were in the aftermath of 9/11, both domestically and internationally. We're moving in the wrong direction, and the spike in anti-asian hate is even more evidence of that.

I have no idea how to reverse course and how to get everyone moving towards a common goal, but if we don't figure it out then things will get much worse before they get better.
i might have a suggestion to your last paragraph chummer , breaking down the barriers of culture that seperate us and leave us ignorant of each other , people need to get out of their self imposed ghettoes and meet others different to them to prevent closed minds
theres alot of fear of unknown in folk and if they are not on a regular meeting of someone ethnically different to them then they fear them but it comes out as hate
so its up to us daily to see the human being in front of us and recognise our common ground (family , friends , happiness , ) and see we aint so different and we might be very alike
Just imagine we had modern social media and troll farms back in 2001. We might have had even more deaths just from the magnified panic.
u are very late so am i btw THE brave people of 9/11 are greaeat and we have to honour them
AND USA has to be prepared for another 9/11 Coz thy're Back(The Terroists)
this image was the last image of the world trade center before the planes hit, you can see flight 11 in the top right corner

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