
Bad puzzles

Here is a beautiful example:

Its 2400+ puzzle. It is so high rated not because it is so beautiful, but because it is extremely long with some not absolutely necessary moves.

I think, such stuff is boring. And apparently this is not only my opinion, since the puzzle popularity is 0 (and it can not be decreased). Could you get rid of such puzzles, dear Lichess? I mean, if it is rated so low among the players, there is probably a reason for it, why can't we solve some really brilliant complicated tactics instead of this?
add to that:
-puzzle 61633 (if not for the counter-intuitive sacrifice by the computer there would be no material gain)
-puzzle 61676 (the last move is rediculous - taking with the 'wrong' rook should not be counted as a puzzle failure)
-and many more...
these puzzles all have a negative popularity and should just be removed. The popularity is usually negative for a reason. There should be a script to weed out these puzzles.

Also: since the introduction of the new puzzles the number of the puzzles that are presented are always in the 60000+ range. No old puzzles are encountered anymore. Is anyone else experiencing this as well?

I kinda liked There are only one winning move at all times.

The same goes for I strongly disagree that taking with both rooks should be accepted. Rbxb2 is clearly stronger, due to f7 hanging after Rxa5 Rc8+. I doubt Rfxb2 is even winning.

Just because you fail to solve it, doesn't mean the puzzle is bad.
61633 Excellent and very interesting puzzle! Blacks plan is to double rook on d-file to +mate on d1. White is desperat and do the counter-intuitive sac. But I agree the user should be tested for more challenging responses. I couldn't find the solution although studying the puzzle very long.

61676 Rbxb2 is clearly better than Rfxb2. Plan is to + on b8 and cap f7 pawn. Witn N+P against R and e-pawn is weak. Black eventually has drawing chances otherwise.

61788 White's king is very bad positioned but he is piece up so a sharp solution is required for black. If not taking the 2 white pawns at the end Bf6! from white could be very dangerous giving white lots of counterplay due to control of the e.file or doubling rook at f-file capturing f5-pawn and eventually going for a king attack against blacks king. I think it's a very good puzzle.
#5, @blackzombie well, I am happy that you enjoyed that puzzle and encourage you to mark it positively. Perharps, with other players, you "will make it great again".

But personally I would spend my time solving the puzzles which were already positively tested by other users. I am not in mood to dig the least popular puzzles and try to prove that they are actually better then people think about them. So why not use popularity as the way to estimate if the puzzle is interesting or not? Or to do it optional at least? We have so much good puzzles, why should we struggle with let's say "suspicious" ones?
Alex, My key point is that if you think the 2 last pawn captures are unnecassary you might have missed Bf6 that gives white counterplay. I think you should pay more attention to white Bf6 if black not cap the f6 pawn. You should came to the conclusion that white has very good chances and position is in no way clear.

If you remove puzzles that people rate negative because they don't understand them it wouldn't lead to improvements of the puzzles.
My complain is rather general that only about this single puzzle. If puzzle is rated negative then there is a reason for it. There are plenty of difficult puzzles with positive rating.
Sometimes the reason puzzles are rated negative is because there are too many bad losers.

On a serious note, the most amazing puzzles I got had negative rate because the follow up moves were bad, like giving up a queen instead of the most challenging line.
#9 I agree with Geruru on both points.

- Too many bad losers complain about good puzzles becuase they didn't find the right move.

- Also the computers response is often not the most challenging for the user.

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