
Chess blindness

For the past few classical games, I have been losing terribly at. I'm not here to complain about myself losing or losing points, but rather how to improve at classical. As a slightly fast-inclined player, I find it tougher to play classical chess, especially when I try to move a lot slower, but end up still blundering badly, even in winning positions. Why do I still blunder despite telling myself to move slower and think, and how can I ensure I don't do this as often?
It is difficult to consciously prevent yourself from unconsciously doing something. ;)
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> It is difficult to consciously prevent yourself from unconsciously doing something. ;)
Maybe if you try really hard to think about not thinking about it...
I looked at your classical games. Just play more classical games and less bullet. Not easy to do (playing bullet is so much fun!). Slowing down is not easy. It is hard work to calculate different lines and it requires a lot of patience. It takes time. You are still playing really well. Your blunders are not easy to spot. Don't expect quick results. It took me about a month to transition from blitz to classical.
- Bullet and Blitz rewards Time Management and Speed

+ Classical rewards Accurate Moves and Strategy.

You win in bullet and blitz by doing something that loses on Classical, that's why. It's a paradox!
Game vs klot420 14 moves 27:45 remaining. 0 spending thinking.
Pretty sure the rest are for the same reason, cant check, gtg.
@HerkyHawkeye said in #3:
> Maybe if you try really hard to think about not thinking about it...

I can't hahahahha xD This chess forum is slowly turning into a comedian section. (and I like it)
calculate every possible variation after every move
it has one disadvantage tho u can get timed out (like me)
but this way will make you slower and slower after 2 years maybe you will have to quit blitz and only play classical

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