
puzzle 65884 needs to be removed (folowup from post: bad-answer-in-training-65884)

Puzzle 65884 has an alternate solution(Qh4) but this results in failing the puzzle. In a limited depth analysis the original solution scores better, but when you analyse deeper Qh4 scores about the same as the approved solution.

I did a quick search on the forums and I already found another post (posted 9 months ago) about this puzzle. (bad-answer-in-training-65884).

Stockfish needs a bit of help but eventually likes this continuation:
(and here it needs some help finding Nf6 as a continuation for white on limited depths)
The end result is a winning position for white

I just got this puzzle today and I'm a bit surprised that the puzzle still hasn't been removed. I hope this post changes that.

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