
Is FIDE a joke?

@Smite78 said in #1:
> A governing body for a board game? Ratings are cool and all but can anyone explain what value they bring?
My life is a joke
Well, what does football for example brings? And what Being 1# in the world at football brings? (except money :)
@AtomicExplosion56 said in #12:
> Well, what does football for example brings? And what Being 1# in the world at football brings? (except money :)
Well...u are famous ig? And u are probably atlethic. But most of all, we, humans, love to achieve anything, the harder, the better.
@Smite78 said in #1:
> A governing body for a board game? Ratings are cool and all but can anyone explain what value they bring?
That is a good joke!
@Smite78 said in #1:
> A governing body for a board game? Ratings are cool and all but can anyone explain what value they bring?
Never thought of it that way. But I mean, chess is just a game. Do we ever look at it that way? Most people worry about ratings/wins/losses, etc. If you look at chess as just a game, you might actually become a really strong player. This is a rather interesting thought.

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