
If you were to be a natural disaster. What would it be?

It seems important not to use the wildcard "*****" (or something like it) unless the identity of what is so represented can be determined from context with reliability.

For example, one may informatively say about a politician whom one clearly does not like that he (or she) "can kiss my ***," since that is unlikely to be misunderstood.

And even if it be not correctly interpreted, the likely mistakes will nevertheless create much the same impression: as in, "he (or she) can kiss my toe!" Not much meaning is lost by that mistake.

But if I were to write, instead, that I think the current president is "******" one could not really tell how I felt about him, without more. The wildcard could mean "superb," for example. But it could likewise be interpreted to mean something else. Who could say what was intended? One's own political preferences might cause one to guess: but it could remain only a guess.
A f*****g large asteroid so we could see if that’s really what wiped out the dinosaurs.
@kyanite111 said in #16:
> I would be the destroyer of lichess off-topic.
> I will destroy lichess off-topic. It is my mission.

Bro vandalising is not cool

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