
Do you think Magnus is ''The Greatest Chess Player of All Time''?

Honestly, a better question might have been "Who is the best player in the history of their time period, aka who dominated the most throughout all time during the time they were in their prime."
I watched a guy going by the name Magnus Carlsen WCCO in Lichess yesterday playing a 30-min. (turtle) game. He won but instead of creaming his 1800 opponent he made the game more interesting for him. That impressed me.
No. I think the best one is Paul Morphy. He found the development of pieces in chess.
@legend0804 said in #22:
> Honestly, a better question might have been "Who is the best player in the history of their time period, aka who dominated the most throughout all time during the time they were in their prime."

By this definition it would be Paul Morphy or Bob Fischer.
This is my honest opinion, but I think there were better people than Carlsen.
@d2d4again said in #26:
> By this definition it would be Paul Morphy or Bob Fischer. Paul Murphy and Bob Fischer were better than him. But that's history.

I think that is very true. Bobby Fischer and Paul Murphy were really good. Of course way better than Magnus. They are stronger than Magnus in anyway.

You may think that Carlsen may be the best player now - and news flash, he's playing for 1 bitcoin, which is approximately $50,000 - but sorry to the "Magnus Lovers" but I think Kasparov is better. After all, he is #1 today.

As I said earlier, this is my honest opinion. I do not mean to hurt or abuse anyone here in any way
@Kerem_Altan_tr said in #25:
> No. I think the best one is Paul Morphy. He found the development of pieces in chess.

Very true. I say you know your history man.

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