
Move time graph

Some weeks ago the move times graph was changed:
It took me a while to decide to write a post about this, but here it is.

I really want to know the answer to why it was necessary to change the graph from a simple and easy to read design to an ugly and hardly readable graph with unnecessary extra "features" such as the time remaining for each players which already is visible on the analysis board. This new "feature" just makes it even uglier and less readable.
I always preferred the Lichess graph to the ugly mess what calls "move times" but for some reason Lichess is taking inspiration from them. Making a perfectly fine feature a worse one.

I think I'll have to disagree with this one. It seems to be entirely readable, even on phone. I don't see what's wrong with it. Also, the move times and time left shows correctly, and it overlaps over the bars and the line graph to make it even more readable. If anything, I like the way the data is shown on both a line and bar graph. Makes it seem like excel graphs, which are pretty cool, if anything.
And it doesn't overcomplicate the UI either.

While it is unnecessary, there is nothing wrong with it either.

Edit: Can't wait to get 80 downvotes on this lol

You might think it's cool, but I prefer time graphs to be *useful*. I personally enjoy analyzing games and looking for cheaters, and the new graph is considerably worse in that regard.

It's just a downgrade.

"If anything, I like the way the data is shown on both a line and bar graph"

I think it's confusing to have two graphs laid on top of each other, especially when they essentially show the same data.
#4 Your comment essentially reads "Why do you care that it's worse than the predecessor?"... I think you can answer that question yourself.
Just because the person who started this didn't write, "I prefer the previous version", doesn't mean that the current version is worse, that the previous version is more necessary than this one, or anything else.

If you're confused about the current version what would you like explained?
Who are these people saying "what's wrong with it" lol! Black bars on a black background - that's what's wrong with it!
I don't want to discuss the beauty, but I consider the info about the remaining time very useful.
@sheckley666 The remaining time is on the bottom of the board, so the slope thing is useless. I personally hate the new time graph. It's unaesthetically pleasing, and looks quite bad. If this must remain, I would at least allow an option in settings to revert to the old graph.

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