
Unacceptable translation into Ukrainian.

To Toadofsky: How to do it? I am ready to submit errors and corrections. But let's determine who made the absurd translation and what to do to prevent the possibility of harm in the future.
The faulty translations have been reversed, and will be applied in the next few days.

To help translating lichess, you need to register on Crowdin (a service specialised in community translations), and then modify the lichess project which is here:
can someone explain the difference ??? i assuming its like addressing someone informal vs formally or were there real inappropriate translations???
@Darksouls, style problems, changing the meaning, non-existing words, everything you can think of - it was there.
Вітаю, це я був перекладачем, котрий намагався внормувати Лічес, котрий місцями не мав перекладу, а декотрі тямки розрізнялися. Декотрі геть криво взяті з московської, я наприклад зустрічав «нічія» замість «нічия».

Схоже, тут багато хто звик до московської мови, тому будь-яке відхилення вважається за незрозуміле чи смішне. З найпоказовіших — вжив початкових дієслів в дієйменнику, коли всі інші словʼяни (крім помосковчених, звісно) — в наказовому, наприклад «play»: «грати» → «грай». «Знадоби», «толока», «видиво» [вже] широковживані слова. «Помста» стосується не лише до ворогів і є прямим перекладом до «реванш» (анґлійською десь таке слово було), було на думці також «відплата», але не «повторна гра», де корінь слова «повторити», чи ви захотіли повторити попередню гру?

Що ж, гадаю, хтось таки візьметься за переклад, бо я покину і Лічес. Бо було [і зараз] то лайно, а завили «українці» лише тоді, коли та частина, котра вже була криво перекладена, не стала схожою на московську. Свойого ви домоглися — мені заборонили перекладати, що дещо дивно, оскільки там можна ставити оцінки, а отже не допустити мойого перекладу. Але тут нічого дивного — типове совітське мислення: краще заборонити, а не оцінювати чи самому перекладати.
via Google Translate:
"Congratulations, I was a translator who tried to normalize Liches, who sometimes had no translation, and some of them were different. Some are completely crooked from Moscow, for example, I met a "draw" instead of a "draw".

It seems that many people here are accustomed to the Moscow language, so any deviation is considered incomprehensible or ridiculous. Of the most revealing - he used the initial verbs in the verb, while all other Slavs - in the imperative, such as "play" → "play". "Needs", "toloka", "vidivo" are [already] widely used words. "Revenge" applies not only to enemies and is a direct translation of "revenge", it also meant "retribution", but not "repeat game", where the root of the word "repeat", or did you want to repeat the previous game?

Well, I think someone will take over the translation. Because it was sh*t, and they only howled when the part that had already been crookedly translated did not look like Moscow's."

I admit I don't know the nuances of Ukrainian versus Moscovian dialects, but my first inclination is that Ukrainians need to be free to practice their language as they see fit so recent complaints are misguided. My second inclination is: could there be two Ukrainian languages? :o

Many Ukrainians have Soviet mindset or inferiority complex. So that is why they want two things:
– To save or make Ukrainian similar to Moscovian.
– To ban who does not like this and do nothing for translate.

> Could there be two Ukrainian languages?
In history maybe but for today? I do not know, but I would translate at least for myself, yeah. In my opinion, the best thing is vote but not ban.
Um... so, my understanding of is:

"The prolonged Ukrainian crisis began on 21 November 2013, when then-president Viktor Yanukovych suspended preparations for the implementation of an association agreement with the European Union. This decision resulted in mass protests by pro-Europeans – events which became known as the "Euromaidan". After months of such protests, the protesters ousted Yanukovych on 22 February 2014. Following his ousting, unrest enveloped the largely Russophone eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, from where Yanukovych had drawn most of his support. An invasion by Russia of the Ukrainian autonomous region of Crimea resulted in the annexation of Crimea by Russia on 18 March 2014. Subsequently, unrest in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine evolved into a war between the post-revolutionary Ukrainian government and pro-Russian insurgents."

I imagine things are complex and that there are some who want to make Ukrainian similar to Moscovian.

Reading #27 I imagine that this is someone complaining because the translations are similar to Moscovian and they want their native language back; but I don't speak Ukrainian.

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