
Feature Request: Ignore players with digits in the names


Is there a chance to have an option to ignore all the players who have digits in their names?
Not to have games with them, correspondence, etc. Like titled players can select an option to play only with titled players.

Reason: too many cheaters with digits in the names (more than with usual names) and I don't want to be banned for cancelling games, not I want to play them.
@Megagon said in #3:
> I agree, lichess cant identify players by numbers in their username

I don't offer to identify. I just ask to have an option to ignore them. I hate to waste time proving this by stats, this is just my personal experience and I like to get rid of them. I never asked somehow to affect these players. Just let me don't meet them.

I lose much more games against the players with digits in names and this like a pattern. When they lose opening with weak moves I know for sure that in 80% of games they will catch up, playing like computers the rest of the game. I am not against strong middle-gamers or end-games, I don't believe that the person who did stupid moves in opening could be brilliant in no time in middle game and ending.
I have a digit in my name and I protest against the discrimination of players with digits in their names. .
I personally think players with one or two digits can be trusted. But no more than that!
Yeah the "thekingwarrior2023" thingy doesn't sound too appealing if you're referring to this type of usernames. Just don't play with them

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