
Tournaments Feature Request: Variant = "From position"

I'd like to suggest a feature which could be quite useful when you create a new tournament: "Variant = from position".
Why? there are many chess clubs with coaches, and sometimes students need to practice middlegame positions (Say a position with an isolated Queen Pawn, or where a diagonal is particularly weak, or one side controls a file, etc) or endgame positions (say a R + 4 Pawns vs R + 3 Pawns where one side has a pawn on the other flank).
Ideallly the position could change for every round, but this is not essential (I'm sure it would demand a lot more coding!), and besides, quite often it will be a "tournament" (or practice session) which will only needs to last 1 game.
Another benefit is that at present, an ECO code for a tournament with a fixed opening is somewhat limited: Nowadays most people prepare opening variations from move 7, 10, 15, 20 or even 30...
That would be great. Apart from practising some endgames/uncommon openings I'd love to run a tournament with some position like:
bbbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/NNNQKBNR w Kk - 0 1
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/2p3p1/P1p1P1p1/P1p1P1p1/P3P3/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
kqqqqqqq/pppppppp/8/7P/PPPPPPPP/PPPPPPPP/PPPPPPPP/RNNNNNBK w - - 0 1
nnrrrkrn/qqqbrrnb/bnrpnprr/pbrpnqbb/QBPRNBQR/QNQPRRNB/NPPRBQNN/NRBBNKNB w - - 0 1
rnbkqnrb/qrbpnrnb/qrqqnbqp/bqqqqrbq/PQRQRRQQ/RRNRNPRQ/NQNQPRRN/NBQQKQNB w - - 0 1
Great news: the feature has been implemented!
(and e-pluzak: you've been playing too much tetris!)

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