
Non local reaction diffusion mathematical models (for science).

not chess yet. links to have a further slightly deepr path one day.. (other things handing), second iteration of previous ramblings, written and saved). Trip to my past passion inducing research work as PH.D. student (where I made my own things, with a scientif object as purpose of the mathematical model developpment or contruction, and discussion. With interpretability of the math. from givens to conclusions. The point being about the mechanistic relations between one model choice, versus another and how it related to what the science had as isolated known concepts, and remaining unsettled questions among such possibly interacting concept once combined through the common tyrany of happening in time flow, and in same compartment or spatial point location variable.

The emerging qualitiative partitions in the domain used in the model constructions. and also at the sequence of nested complexified with factors in isolation being combined. ok words are a pita.. i won't say more.. I need to find my digital stuff from 1994.. old CDS.

latex stuff. will trump my poor rambling attempts.. did the work then.. when fully able.. might as well. not redo that. not a short term thing.. wishful sharing. | Nonlocal operator - Wikipedia | Nonlocal Models in Biology and Life Sciences: Sources, Developments, and Applications |Nonlocal Models in Biology and Life Sciences: Sources, Developments, and Applications
Aggregation-Diffusion Equations: Dynamics, Asymptotics, and Singular Limits
(not chess anytime soon, but hey i think i can share where i come from, or what I think is going to make sense to me when I get to put some reading energy into it). | [PDF] Mathematics of Darwin’s Diagram | Semantic Scholar |
Nonlocal Reaction–Diffusion Model of Viral Evolution: Emergence of Virus Strains | Semantic Scholar |
Nonlocal Reaction–Diffusion Equations in Biomedical Applications | Semantic Scholar |
Nonlocal Reaction–Diffusion Equations in Biomedical Applications | Acta Biotheoretica

TODO: make sure nonlocal is what I think it is here. Because I think the phrasing is not specific. diffusion imply some non time arrow dependent variable domain, that I would not hesistate calling space, as it would serve its imagination support purpose to complete with math. linguistics later. We can think of diffusion, as the drop of milk cloud in ones coffer, looking at the initial transient could envelope evolution until thermal agitation loses all trace of that invading drop in pre-existing resting state of the whole cup content. Yes, intuition here, is definitely going to help.. cut on the pita of my ramblings. intuitoin is not flight of fancy in my usage. to be sure..

so start with a less limited proposition of intergral formulation with a function space a "parameter" domain, e.g. convolution kernels in the convolution integral formulation of the NN math. models before they get CPUed or prepared for that implementation. that can also be a more intense linguistic formulation to digest, as in all things transformed from their human concept is elegant mathematics, to the discrete versoins, needing more exectution precision, and extra overhead symbols from having to decide on grain size, and bounded values.. and keep following more indices of those, without the visual compressed, yet expresive symbolic version (which is usually critical to interpretation pass through, soit dit en passant).

but one can discussion different familiy "shapes" of such intergrant mutliplier of the state variables being followed. or flowed through time from appropriate initial condition domain, and invariant forward region or bounding region. things coming back of the various conditions that make those things well posed.. intution backbone helping find those back in verbal future sharing intent.

not dead yet that past blob. oh. it would be immunology, but also other evolutionary problems in physiological context like cancer, but also ecological contexts liek epidemiology, one can look at physicological tissue levels and bounder and well regulated ecosystem of many critters of cell types having an apparently cacophonic symphony of molecular exchanges across the ambient fluid.. good old hormonal signalling from tissue to tissue, but also locally within tissues.. Lots of cross-talks in all directions.. and yet it does some function .. stuff. (kidding, or using one of those words that remind me of certain chess theory words, not all but, how much one can struggle when not asking or not having the means to answer a question, so why even subconscious pop it out?

what is function in biology? I have not discussed that for some 15 years. But it is at the center, I think of the sought for understanding beyond the accumulation of data as knowledge expansion. I have been away from that keyboard for many years, but biological systems denomition seems to have survive in some lingo I might have seen on the webs.. it that sign of the return of physiology thinking into biolgoy (as a cloud of science fields, including the medical arts and techonololgies). Well, more the fundamental stuff. than the medical practice.. I mean research, and fundamental.. not very popular as i does not make a buck very fast for the investors.. yet. I would consider it part of the public necessary infrastructure, as much as roads or intentnet might be considered tangible. just that the time scale. are longer than Quarters horizon, and typical political or funding deciders horizon.

hormone concept, I was told or understood, was invented before any hormonal molecular evidence was ever found. It was induced hypothesis, imagined probably anthropomorphized in the thinking of the conceiving proponent, with no proof whatsover, to be a simple explanation that ought to make our whole body made of different and visibly so already segment of tissues.

how can any such thing work and function, through time.. in vivo? I don,t know the details. I was spoiler with knowledge already..
ok. not where i should put it.. but don'T want to get distracted by own other ramblings.

i said somewhere life knows shit. but some of its instances can become forgetful (cognitive decline of sorts), and by instances, i might mean instances of class of instances, depending on the beholding eyes points of view.

cellular mutations. I guess life has its own RL dilemna. It has exploration and exploitation (I surrender to this economical school of thought influence into game theory, I can live with the times... but still sighing, my friends), hard wired. Otherwise we would not be ruining our planet and our livelyhood, we would not even be amoebas. There would be no life. DNA can store information, but as a whole life to get to where we can see itself (or try to), it has to get information.. hence mutaton and selectoin tango (and things that can handle the RL dilemna and not get stuck in some bubble of experise, and while we know shit, there is still a bunch of shit we don't, and it can hit the fan at any time, or we don't know that it can't so might as well keep going and get more information about the univers. A posterio. to get to where we are. I make a story. therefore it is only a scaffold for possibly future understanding, if there were ways to make that scaffold into testable experimental models to at least give some evidence that it is not yet impossible.

In some ways, positive experiments only say that within the explicit assumptions and the likely unhandled ones (usually hidden in the noise of the experiement, but that noise can also be of accuracy not just precisoin, in a bigger context not yet considered).

Think of Newtons law. still applying in non-relativistic speed range. In there, it is truth.

Cancer. out with it.. that life RL dilemana. That which forgets about what life has been a posteriori figuring out, and hardwired, cell population self-control mechanisms, redundancy, and what not, that mutations while doing the exploring, might with some probability but hopefully not to extinction of the bigger level of life instances population, have some lowere level instances dies.. but some ohter level instance populatoin keep that in check while the non-forgetful same level instances would keep sustained growth fluctuations.

Cancer.. is when the "homeostatic" redundancy levels have all been blows... when tumors get the forgetfulness so far and sky is not even the limit anymore. They think they own the place. and they destroy the place and the higher level instance in the process.

as a species. we have, in writing, deluded ourselves, into thinking we know better. but we are like the cancer cells. They do not know what they are doing is against their own future. they won't get to reproduce at all.. after taking over the "place". only solution would be that cancer cells became contagious.. but then even that would kill the higher level instance (or ambient, I guess i have choosen a projecting axis in mind through the nested containers, which even those are crutches of my mind, so i can make verbal communicatoin, which is itself a projection, crawling at best, of what I might really be thinking, but here is me, typing away, nonetheless.

got me.. cancer or not? otherwise, non-linear is our friend. by a posteriori life lessons.

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