
Do you think Hans Niemann is cheating or not?

The whole chess community is talking about if GM Hans cheated against GM Magnus

(*He did admit he cheated online before)

Do YOU think he cheated
I can't tell if he cheated OTB either way.

All I know is that he has cheated in a large number of games online, and that I don't trust him at all. If anyone is the kind of guy that would cheat OTB and would take actual pride in getting away with it, Niemann is totally that kind of guy.
@Molurus said in #2:
> I can't tell if he cheated OTB either way.
> All I know is that he has cheated in a large number of games online, and that I don't trust him at all. If anyone is the kind of guy that would cheat OTB and would take actual pride in getting away with it, Niemann is totally that kind of guy.

Ok, but why would he ever do that on an OTB game against Magnus Carlsen in front of the whole world.

Like Hikaru said he's a young chess prodigy
@Unknown_Master459 said in #3:
> Ok, but why would he ever do that on an OTB game against Magnus Carlsen in front of the whole world.
> Like Hikaru said he's a young chess prodigy

Why do people cheat in general?

Either you want to be the best, or you want people to think you are the best.

If you cheat over 100 games, you're the latter category, clearly. Someone who cheats *that* many games doesn't really care if he's good. He just wants the world to think he's good.
@Molurus said in #4:
> Why do people cheat in general?
> Either you want to be the best, or you want people to think you are the best.
> If you cheat over 100 games, you're the latter category, clearly.
@Molurus said in #2:
> I can't tell if he cheated OTB either way.
> All I know is that he has cheated in a large number of games online, and that I don't trust him at all. If anyone is the kind of guy that would cheat OTB and would take actual pride in getting away with it, Niemann is totally that kind of guy.

An ad hominem argument par excellence.
@odoaker2015 said in #6:
> An ad hominem argument par excellence.

I wasn't debating with Niemann. Nor am I debating with you, btw.
@Molurus said in #7:
> I wasn't debating with Niemann. Nor am I debating with you, btw.

I don't understand. Does that change the fact that your previous argument is an ad hominem argument?
And I'm not debating with you either. I'm just saying my opinion on your post. I think I'm allowed to do that and the forum is meant for that.
@odoaker2015 said in #8:
> I don't understand.

I know you don't.

> Does that change the fact that your previous argument is an ad hominem argument?

An ad hominem argument is a logical fallacy where you try to discredit an argument someone is making by discrediting the person who is making the argument.

For a person to make an argument in the first place he/she would have to be actually taking part in the debate. Niemann isn't. He's the subject, not a participant. (And nor are you at this point.)

I'm really done responding to you, bye.
@Unknown_Master459 said in #1:
> Do you think Hans Niemann is cheating or not?

That's not important, what anyone here thinks.

FIDE is the authority in chess. Not us, not Carlsen, nor chesscon.

To draw a comparison - it's also not important, what you think, if Biden cheated in the US presidential election.
The courts decide.

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