
Please ban me Lichess

I no longer want to play chess. I have no joy when I win and analyze games and I am furious when I lose games.
Dear strange fellow, If you're absolutely serious about that, you don't have to beg the mods to ban you. You may simply just leave the site.
And remember you're always welcome if you ever want back in.
Happy new year
I was in same position as yours ......But to be honest what I learnt was that chess is just like life ...When you lose even after trying it pains alot but it doesn't mean you will quit living , what you do is try again again and again and you gain so much experience that after a point winning or losing doesn't matters to you ....You just want to get up, accept your mistakes, learn from it and move on....Same is with chess.....Don't quit it ...just convict yourself that in a day you will just play 2-3 games ( not more that that as You must be having other important tasks too) and try to give your best ...also elevate your mind from the result and focus on the game instead ....The results will definately come.
Happy Chess And Life Journey ahead on this new year ️
It's just a game, it doesn't have to be so serious. If you don't want to play don't play.
I've found chess to be so frustrating especially as a beginner so I adopt this mindset now that makes it feel more like a fun game than a competition or assessment of my intellect. I go into every game expecting to lose and just see what funny things happen. Of course I try hard to win but when I lose I just laugh because it's what I expected anyway and I'm just playing for fun after all.
@horribowl_chess said in #1:
> I no longer want to play chess. I have no joy when I win and analyze games and I am furious when I lose games.
Don't win games or lose them...try to draw then!
@horribowl_chess said in #1:
> I no longer want to play chess. I have no joy when I win and analyze games and I am furious when I lose games.
play and play experience will give answer to ur ratings last year i was 1300 in blitz and 1000 in bullet this year from phone i am 2000 in bullet and from pc 2000 in blitz
I suck at playing basketball. Please ban me from playing lebron james.
Close your account man if you want to leave.
Plus if you lose once, you will win next time. But it's not 100% chance dude.
All must remember one thing if there was no looser there won't be any winner so be proud if you loose

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