
When is v2 coming out for Android?

I've been awaiting it eagerly for a while and it has been marked as complete on git hub for at least a week now.
When is it going to hit Google play?
Wow, that's exciting! I'm not as impatient as u Zen, but then again I wouldn't even know how to view it on github :-)
It'll come out when it's ready. Thus I can't say when, but it should rather be in a month or two than in 6 months, as for an estimation.

The feature list under 2.0 milestone on github is not complete (almost though). My bad, it's just I'm not very well organized, I'll try to updated it.
Awesome. Thank you for that above average response :-)

couple of months will fly by. Great job on the app btw!
@anaveragehuman Thanks a lot, that will do very well for now!

@veloce No problem, it's a tool for you guys to work, not for me to be poking my nose in :P Love the app, the website and your attitudes. Keep up the great work!

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