
Beat A PLAYER so bad he CLOSED his account...

I really feel sorry for this dude i got 222 rating points but i keep beating him so bad he closed his account afterwards immediately. I felt like giving him his rating points back because I dont care for them. But he was gone. Any opinions
My opinion is that you are showing off.

You should never be sorry for the legal game of chess played.
I am showign off but in reality i really did feel bad i mean he just keep challenging me and keep resigning
it was like winning only because your opponent didnt care
thats the worst type of win ever
Yeah of course that happens.

In his place I'd quit and join other opponent, don't know why he held onto you.

I guess after losing a game one should analyze it, before jumping into other one.

Anyway, just don't feel sorry - you did nothing wrong!
I agree with @nchebykin you did nothing wrong, winning has never made anyone bad,and very certainly losing hasn't made anyone bad either. Accept the wins as an accomplishment and remain positive ;).
You wernt beating him! He was trolling by sacrificing pieces & resigning.

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