
Wait... can i ask a question?

im i the youngest here? Why is everyone acting like my grandma or a npc
Off topic discussions with yall
are weird
that sounds likely tbh. most of us here have one foot in the grave.
the avarage Chess player on lichess is about threefifty years old, we are already 6feet under.
I've seen 8 and 9 year old people on the forum. What do you suggest we talk about?
@Dukedog said in #4:
> I've seen 8 and 9 year old people on the forum. What do you suggest we talk about?
How do you know my age?
<Comment deleted by user>
I used the secret button Lichess emails you about when you turn 50. I can't say any more about that for fear of losing my senior discount.
You've made that npc reference 3 or 4 times now. First time was cute. Now you're starting to sound like a npc yourself.
I have very little clue what this is about, but I know several 14 year olds on here (including me).

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