
Can someone explain the difference bw Fritz 17 and the much more expensive chessbase apps?

it seems that Fritz has so many things that why would somone need or want to pay $hundreds more for CB? for example, the DB in Fritz is nearly a million games and they can be searched by position, players and openings. But if there is something great about CB, I might be interested in buying it. THANKS!
@chironik Fritz and chessbase are different software's if you want to Purchase I would Prefer Chessbase because the cost is approximately the same.
I think Fritz can somewhat 50% of CB Does But Fritz is a completely different software which has its own Uprights.
How are they different though? Fritz is $70 and CB starts at like $200.
Fritz is a chess engine and Chessbase is chess database tool (and includes the engine as well). I guess it allso includes a big database of games. So they are two totally different things thats the difference.
Oh, well see, the way you are explaining, they seem the same. My Fritz 17 has the Fritz engine, and Fat Fritz, I can also use the SF engine. Plus Fritz 17 has the DB with about a million games, with the db search tool: search by position, opening, players, dates and a few other things. Incidentally I do not know why my Fritz database does not include the Kasparov -deep blue games, but beyond that, is there really a difference then bw Fritz 17 and CB?
I mean Fritz is Notepad and CB is WinWord.

You can arrange your stuff with notepad, true...
so is there any point if getting CB if I already have Fritz 17?
I have been working with CB for 30 years. I have got Fritz as well but I don’t use for database purposes.
I’m sure there are more nuances, but if you look at where they came from:

ChessBase is a DB with some things around it (like an engine)
Fritz is an engine with some things around it (like a database)

This should indicate where the strengths of each package lie.

Do you need both? Probably not, but if you want the better engine of the two AND the better database of the two, you can easily integrate them together (and it seems they are even sold as a bundle)

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