
Corona Fehlalarm?

Nice try! But that's not how corona works.
Especially not in summer nor with people who are immune to it since their childhood.

Plus argumentum ad hominem is considered bad style at least by some people.
@slastika what did I try to do? I did not try to insult you, as argumentum ad hominem depicts. I was just making a weird meme that is innocent. I hope you good luck during quarantine and actually most people believe ad hominem is bad ( o=^•ェ•)o ┏━┓
"Especially not in summer nor with people who are immune to it since their childhood."
what? how are you immune to corona since childhood?
Cross-Immunity due to a infection in the past of another family member of Corona viruses.
There were studies that showed 70-80% of people already had cross immunity against the new SARS-Cov-2 corona virus.

Very good source, you can see in 2020 in April excess mortality due to the new Virus.
In 2020 August small amount of excess mortality due to wave of heat. You can easily see the high numbers of excess mortality
in 2018 February/March due to flu and the excess mortality in 2018 July/August due to wave of heat.
Well, I got infected, anything but unusual for kids. The most natural response to that is developing immunity.
Coronaviruses are anything but new. Even while firstly discovered in the 1960s they are most likely much older than mankind.

Please don't tell me SARS-Cov-2 is a new mutation. Viruses mutate all the time. They did in the past, do it today and will continue to do so not exactly for ever, but pretty sure beyond any predictable future.
Coronaviruses are an entire family of viruses (getting infected with one does not necessarily grant immunity for any virus from the family.)
SARS-CoV 2 has mutated ENOUGH to become a different strain.
@slastika You are trying to argue with the coronavirus witnesses of the last day. It is almost impossible to convince them or make them think. This is their religion... Just relax and let them indulge in their suicidal tendencies. Uncle told them: "Coronavirus!" So - the coronavirus. Uncle told them: "Masks!" So - masks. Uncle said to inject the vaccine. So - a vaccine!
After all, politicians have never lied to us. Never! The media have never deceived us. Never!
They always tell only the truth.
Fun fact: I don't even trust my own propaganda. Why would I have faith in yours?
Medical fact: Technically you could be right.
Mathematical fact: You're probably not, most probably not by any stretch of imagination.

I'm tempted to agree, since I see where you are coming from.
But arguing ad hominem is not exactly polite.
Please let's be nice and calm, stick to the facts, ideally those facts we can easily agree on, try to keep our logic straight and never most importantly never ridicule another opinion.

Disclaimer to my last point: I ridicule other opinions too, now and again.
But only if the topic itself is ridiculous, not really important that is.
Yes, I'm the judge. But never ever trust my Propaganda! I might be wrong.
@kettwiesel A "good" source is just a source that is favorable to your opinion. Give us data that is non-biased or a source you don't agree with. Argumenting 101.
Take the flu. It has various antigens, so its very hard, if not impossible to build immunity to. And they're all in the same family.

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