
Highest Puzzle Rating on Lichess?

Both have a question mark as their rating due to inactivity in puzzle solving. My rating only shows undetermined but when it goes even longer without any puzzles then it completely disappears and is replaced by a question.
@Ifancy_potato said in #2:
> Both have a question mark as their rating due to inactivity in puzzle solving. My rating only shows undetermined but when it goes even longer without any puzzles then it completely disappears and is replaced by a question.

When your puzzle rating goes above 2500 and you are below roughly 2000 in normal chess ratings, Lichess replaces your rating with a question mark, as it doesn't know whether or not to trust the rating, so that could be what's happening on the first account as well as inactivity (Even if they solved a puzzle now, the rating would probably still stay a question mark since it's just too high compared to normal ratings). This doesn't mean that the rating is wrong. It's just how the system works.
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@ANTIjhkl said in #5:
> Maybe Cheats?

Not always cheating, I had a 2500 puzzle rating on an alt. If you think on a puzzle for long enough many magical things can happen! :D
skyrocketing to 3k as an 1100 standard player is 100% obvious cheating though.

Lefong's rating is legit, but he quit puzzles like 2 years ago
I would like to see if Magnus Carlsen can solve 100 puzzles in one go. What kind of puzzle rating does he have after that?
@greenteakitten said in #4:
> When your puzzle rating goes above 2500 and you are below roughly 2000 in normal chess ratings, Lichess replaces your rating with a question mark, as it doesn't know whether or not to trust the rating, so that could be what's happening on the first account
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I wasn't aware of that! It seems a little strange that lichess chose to do that since puzzle ratings are clearly stated NOT a competition, but I still see a point in the safechecking and it makes sense they would :)

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