
Why 1700 isn't particularly good

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Yes it is. The average is literally - 250 for Rapid. It changes slightly for the higher rated players and for new accounts. But in the long run it is about right.
Hate to burst your bubbles but its closer to 1150. Lower if youre not a regular OTB tournie player
Hate to burst the reality of facts. But just because you can't get a decent FIDE doesn't mean it ain't true.

-600 points?!!! Right ok yeah whatever.

No -200, maybe 300 is about right. You are dreaming.
No need to get snarky brother. If you are comparing 1700 rapid Lichess to a FIDE OTB (which is usually classical time controls) well then yes i am serious and VERY. And I really think anyone who takes part regularly in on the tournament scene will agree with me. I am most definetly not dreaming. And lets not make assumptions about that which we know nothing about... We will only look silly in hindsight ;-)
So you are giving an example of your trash play and saying it represents all 1700s?
@Aadvik09 said in #16:
> So you are giving an example of your trash play and saying it represents all 1700s?

No im saying it represents you! And most other 1700s +/- maybe 100 points.. Im not a 1700 rapid player though so I wasnt comparing my own thrash play.. Im firmly in the 1400 bracket..
@userfriendly2 said in #17:
> No im saying it represents you! And most other 1700s +/- maybe 100 points.. Im not a 1700 rapid player though so I wasnt comparing my own thrash play.. Im firmly in the 1400 bracket..
I was actually talking to the person that made this thread, I agree with you
@RickRenegade said in #18:
> @userfriendly2 Ok so with your theory 2500 Lichess = 1950 FIDE?.... (-550?)

Nope. You hit the nail on the head when you said the gap narrows towards the higher rating fields. I actually know more than a handful of strong 1700s otb that have broke the 2400 Lichess. But they are mostly juniors and are certainly under rated.

Look man, its a sad day when the bubble of expectation gets burst for online player who thinks they are stronger than they are. Its a damn shame Lichess uses a different rating system because people will always want to compare to FIDE or USCF or some other OTB system.

But then again its a good way to attract players to their site. Its nice for decent intermediate club players to be able to hit 2000 without much fuss. Beats hanging around the 1500s on lol

Anyway most of the 1700s know where they stand as do the 2000s and the 2300s. If you dont you are only fooling yourself but best of luck with your chess in the future brother.

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