
Anti-Cheat Solution

Hello chess mates,

Besides playing on Lichess I used to play on ChessCube back in the day. ChessCube uses an excellent Anti-Cheat measure which is prevention from Alt+Tab. Means while you're playing the game you're not allowed do anything else. If your message on any Social Network arrives and you switch to check it you'll get 1 of the 3 warnings before the game terminates in your opponents favour.

That way, any third party Chess program abusage will be much more suppressed.

I've just played a 10min Rapid Game in which my opponent took a pause of 5min and after it crushed me from the loosing position. Knowing that Lichess is using Alt-Tab prevention that would've make my defeat much less painful.

If there's a way to implement this feature on Lichess you should definitely consider implementing it.


Doesn't stop people from using their phones or separate computers. Other people also need to do other things that pop up. I'm with that bitch and cheater in here.
In playing a 10 minute game, I will get bored and need a distraction. Even with another activity to keep me occupied, I still get anxious when my opponent takes too long on an easy move. Implementing another feature which makes me uneasy would just encourage me to stop playing altogether. (My leaving would not affect much, but many (honest) people leaving would lower the quality of this site.)
i often play music in background or do something else in longer formats so i probably would stop playing on lichess if that was added

a bit too serious of a feature for me
Yup, it's a bit inflexible feature. Anyway folks, opinon of the majority counts the most. Seems I lost it there.

Have a nice day ya'll.

I agree with many others here, I prefer to do other stuff here when i play rapid while waiting my opponent to move (read news, choose music, etc. etc.) the feature the op suggested would most probably stop me from playing rapid anymore.

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