
Lichess Game of the Month September - Contest

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This was a complete draw by all rights, except for attrition and a good pawn ending.
The inspiration for this 4 moves advantage game comes from excerpt of one of Magnus Carlsen's Blitz Titled Arena streams from 2020, where he goes as far as yielding his opponent an advantage of 8 moves and becomes victorious on move 22 after the other side's blunder.

At the moment, my field awareness / overall 8 moves handicap play level isn't well-enough to be creating something alike to the aforementioned gem, but, weekly practicing against Fairy-Stockfish AI level 7 enhances certainty that for the future game presentations, there'll be something spectacular enough for browsing through. :-)

Congrats to @SeyedEbrahimRaeesi who played the Lichess Game of the Month September!

Our team has checked all submitted games and found the attack to be worthy of the title "Lichess Game of the Month September 2023" ! The game will soon be analyzed in a Lichess blog post. Stay tuned! What do you think about the game (react) ?

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