
Do the ratings of puzzles change over time?

The player's puzzle rating changes as though it had just played the puzzle a game and either won or lost.

Does the puzzle's rating change in the same manner after each time it is played?
Yes, if the puzzle gets more solves its rating will decrease; the lower the rating of the solvers, the lower the rating of the puzzle. It may not be at the same rate as a player’s rating, but it is affected.
I think #2 is right, and this section is only for feature requests, bug report or suggestions. This question belongs to the general chess discussion section.
I have a suggestion for you. Why don't lichess have or give out titles to players. For instance with the puzzles why couldn't a player earn a title certificate saying that this individual has earned a Expert, or Master title on lichess solving the puzzles. I don't know how you would monitor it to keep out the cheater's. If you could have a coach to watch somehow to monitor each puzzle solved. I would be game for that. Put a decent time control on each puzzle like 15 or 20 minutes to solve each one. I would even be up to paying for the certificate of title. One hundred or even two hundred dollars. This money could go to the lichess community for support. Please let me know I'm Wesley D. Willis email Regards Wes Willis from Barnett Missouri.
No, it's for "Lichess Feedback". They have no help section, no "contact us" provisions, no ability to ask questions about the site or its features or anything else, except this forum right here.

Why on Earth would I ask a question about Lichess's rating system in a "general chess discussion" section?
@J_Crowhurst "Lichess Feedback, Bug reports, feature requests, suggestions" You would ask a question about Lichess's rating system is general chess discussion because it is related to chess...
Well, go ahead and complain to the mods. If there are any. If there's any way to email them or otherwise let them know that some moron (that would be me, for clarity) is asking questions about the Lichess program on the Lichess subforum. I'm sure they'll suspend me for life.
I think this is the best site in the world. I would support it in ways like this. Come on fellas chess is our fun time.
Let me be a little more blunt. Find someone who cares, and tell them. I note with some amusement that your account is 22 days old and already you have over 100 forum posts telling people what they can and can't do here, in three different languages. Your diligence is admirable. That's about all I can say given the forum etiquette rules.

Your link takes you to a menu system that doesn't allow for questions, and doesn't address this topic.

I don't want to be rude here. I think you and I share a certain condition that perhaps makes us sound a bit more blunt than we intend to.

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