
Rating reverted to provisional after over 40 games completed

<Comment deleted by user>
> it would seem strange that simply a few months of game inactivity would've caused this.

Not strange at all, that is how the rating system is supposed to work.

Lichess makes rating provisional after a period of inactivity because it is not certain of your rating anymore.

The reason why there is not leaderboard for correspondence is that its really hard to police correspondence chess as when you have a whole day to make a move cheating is easy and hard to police thus a leaderboard would just be full of cheaters same with puzzles
Thanks for the reply, guess I'll have to play a game here soon, been more on other sites lately. I was aware of why correspondence and puzzles don't have leaderboards due to the potential for cheating, it's just very disheartening for those of us that don't.
@knightshift65 Why did you delete the initial post? It's quite confusing to read the discussion when the question disappears and you have to guess from the replies what it was. I noticed that some people tend to do that after getting an answer but I don't understand why. If the comment stays in place, people can find it by search later and don't have to ask the same question again and again. (Those who do search, that is.)

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