
flagged after premove

I've spotted a mistake on Lichess: one can get flagged after pre-moving.
This has happened several times for me, and is kind of annoying.

Thank you Lichess team for considering this!
My guess is that your premove might have been illegal, or you entered your move too late (your opponent also premoves...).

You cannot both premove all the time with zero time usage.
This have happened to me before too but it could be your ping (if you are laggy this happens often)
@Mark97 Your premove didn't reach the server on time so you got flagged. Basically, if your ping (the time it takes for a move to reach the server) is 100ms and you have 90ms left you are gonna lose on time.
Thank you @Santiagodm for pointing out the root of the problem, that is probably it.
Hope the Lichess team picks it up!
lichess team cannot do absolutely anything about your ping time. It you local ISP and number of hops from where ever you are to lichess server
@Mark97 Premoves are completely client-side meaning only when your pc gets the move does it get sent to lichess meaning you can loose on time if the move took longer from lichess to you and back than the time you had left. This is done to stop the wrong premove being played because the new one didnt reach the server
again there is nothing lichess team can do about it. it your pc sending the move and how long it takes not in their hands.

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