
How much time would I need to beat Andrew tang if he had 15 seconds

so im a pretty good chess player but nowhere even close to the level of these gms. But I was wondering how much time would I need to beat tang with 15 seconds. Im thinking maybe 5 minutes but I have no idea. what do you guys think?
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Very sorry didn't see that
I think 5 mins is enough depending on how you play. Andrew is obviously very fast but also 15 seconds limits his time to think.
I think maybe just 3 minutes is enough for you.
I second @Aiden_Chen in 15 seconds he'll be in intuition only mode and your biggest difficulty would be too get to an even middlegame because he'll have years of crystallized openings/traps and whatnot he could use against you.

For a 2000 5 minutes should be more than enough, 3 minutes too. 1 minute I think it would start to be about even and below that he'll likely trick you anyway.
I just looked at some of his games and 15 seconds is really low, he often loses against fast 2100s so 30 seconds for you should be enough for a decisive advantage.
@concrete_steve I have thought about things like this a lot. First of all, you could conceivably beat him on time. these people are not invincible.
Second, and most importantly, you have to think about the fact that he can think during your time. I would suspect that having 1 hour would not make your life much easier, except that you could flag him. He is likely to outplay you anyway.
@ChessMathNerd Good point, like I said its a tough question but thinking on your own time is way better but idk. I don't think ill have an answer unless someone around my strength gets to test it out.

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