
Does lichess declare every game a draw if 300 moves are played without a checkmate?

theoretically, but the game shows this was not the case :)
Well, why did u premove when u had 47 secs left? And in a rated game? U didn't even make the correct premoves, @slowpoke28. And its not funny. U could have won 6/7 rating points easily by making the correct premoves.
@SwApNeEl1 I do not understand which premoves you think are correct and which are not. Still, the rating points are not quite important, I just wanted to learn more about how lichess works
@SwApNeEl1 the problem is not premoves, the problem is that he wanted to mess with his opponent as much as possible instead of just winning
@Cedur216 You are wrong, I said it above what I really wanted to do, namely to learn more about lichess, I do not judge whether this is a problem or not
If you checkmated at the 300th move, it would have been the longest chess game on Lichess ending in a checkmate

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