
How do cool people play chess - The full tutorial

I had sunglasses once, just for show-off, plus - I ignore people - I'm cool!

See? I ignored his threat and continued my own.

Did I calculate? Not at all.

Cools don't calc. Nerds geeks and squares do, maybe four-eyed too, who cares.

If you're cool - you ignore, if you're ignorant - you're cool!

If I'd lose the game would I publish it? No.
Do I have 5 lost games like that for each won game, but prefer to publish only the won ones to create an illusion that I know what I'm doing?
Umm,... No.

<Comment deleted by user>

Again - ignoring his pawn-grabbing - at the end.

A brief opening explanation:

If I'd play 3.Bb5 - Spanish, opponent May play Bc5, if I'd play Bc4 - Italian, opponent is Likely to play Bc5 - what I want, then I lose the e-pawn and play 0-0 - gaining something - after d2-d4 opponent doesn't have Bb4+ - my king isn't on e1 - so I have d2-d4-d5-d6, all thx to his Bc5 move. Wise of him is to play d6 instead of grabbing the pawn (or of castling, in his case).

I highly recommend this gambit, and really any c3-d4 thrust - against the English opening, after 1...c5, or against the Sicilian, and IN the Sicilian (e6, d5) - you're having all the fun with these pawn-thrusts. In the game, I messed up because I'm an idiot.

In summation:
* Play c3 d4 d5 d6.
* Don't be an idiot. (= don't play with a flipped board because "it's more interesting" like I did)
Can we get a Noteboom game in here? It's what all the cool kids play. "Yeah, sure, you can mate me, I have 2 connected passed pawns, virgin."
This is the game I'm most proud of - I lost Badly, but I'm cool and don't care. Dragon spirit.

Look at the end position - I don't even have spite-checks!
@FrontierJustice said in #7:
> Can we get a Noteboom game in here? It's what all the cool kids play. "Yeah, sure, you can mate me, I have 2 connected passed pawns, virgin."

Yes, please do.

Although d4 d5 doesn't count as 'cool', do you have sunglasses at least? does your older brother have one? anyone in the family? and I mean the expensive ones, not the plastic flea market garbage - show-off matters.
@Nisko1234 said in #9:
> Yes, please do.
> Although d4 d5 doesn't count as 'cool', do you have sunglasses at least? does your older brother have one? anyone in the family? and I mean the expensive ones, not the plastic flea market garbage - show-off matters.
Of course I do. I can play a cool opening just for you - what do you want?

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