
New World Champion!!!

Ding Liren is the new chess world champion after winning brutally against Nepo. Do you feel good or bad about it?
I would've felt bad for whoever won because they're going to have asterisk next to their name in the history books
@PloughBoyChess said in #2:
> I would've felt bad for whoever won because they're going to have asterisk next to their name in the history books

With Ding Liren, I disagree. Carlsen has played Nepo for the WCC before but not Liren. Maybe this will entice Carlsen to get back in the ring.
@NaitikJerath4012 said in #1:
> Ding Liren is the new chess world champion after winning brutally against Nepo. Do you feel good or bad about it?

I couldnt care less i think it was all fixed.
Now carlsen will come back as planen.
Nepo seemed to be in the lead for so long, what an epic comeback.
It's unfortunate that the classical WC is not decided with a classic timed game(s). In a previous age the title would not have changed hands due to the score being tied after all regulation games had been played.
but the title was vacant-they were playing for the title. in a previous age they would have kept playing classical games until somebody won, or the fide president intervened.

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