
Ice Cream or Cake

I've never liked cake too much. I like cake, but I love me some nice ice cream.
Some of the nicest people I've met in an ice cream parlor, what a weird coincidence.
I wonder if there is tea flavored ice cream...
there is@george_mcgeorge said in #3:
> I've never liked cake too much. I like cake, but I love me some nice ice cream.
> Some of the nicest people I've met in an ice cream parlor, what a weird coincidence.
> I wonder if there is tea flavored ice cream...
there is tea flavored ice cream, though i’ve only tried earl grey
New cake person, here, still like ice cream, too. May I have some of both, please?
Cold vs hot? Hot cake during cold temperatures. Cold ice cream during hot temperatures.
This is a very sensitive topic, so be careful. It can be extremely controversial
Cake for me. Ice cream for everyone else in the family. Life is tough sometimes. :(
I think I would want ice cream. Cake usually has too much frosting which gives me a stomachache which I hate.
Usually in birthday parties, I just eat the pizza. But there is one thing I have to admit, I like ice cream cake SO MUCH. Even though I've only had it once, and I was, like, 6 years old, I still remember myself being like "OH MY GOODNESS. THIS IS SOOOOO GOOD!"
The joy!

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