
Puzzle with multiple solutions

Before stumbling upon this puzzle, I was under the impression that all the puzzles are supposed to have a unique solution (with all other options leading to a worse final outcome, i.e. loss in a drawn position, loss or draw in a winning position), the only possible exception being multiple mates in 1 on the last move.

However, in this puzzle there are multiple good options for black on move 37 (Stockfish depth 36 evaluations for top 3 moves are: -61.5 for a4, -6.4 for Kf8, -6.1 for Kf7).

So, did this happen because when the puzzle was being generated from a game, Stockfish decided that all the moves except a4 result in a draw because of insufficient depth, or was I just under a wrong impression?
I think Lichess puzzles care about the best move, not necessarily the only winning move.

In this case, -6 is still very winning, but -61 is way better. (Though, I doubt the evaluation in other puzzles would be closer than that!)

Just my opinion :)

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