
Hello wanna be friends?

@Kzjesz_10AAAA said in #28:
> What auto corrector?
A system implemented in the key board to automatically correct words such as gramerly
good luck son This is the first. Maybe you can make the right choice. Unlike many people, I don't think that chess can be played in moderation. "Chess or not" is the question.
@Kzjesz_10AAAA said in #6:
> Why do you text like a NPC bro?
So wut does NPC mean? We just type ez, so? You care? Good for you
@DaniAlYazdAni said in #2:
> i feel like this is just spam bro
> just chat someone random whos online.
please do not. i have gotten several random people in the past week sending me messages that i very much do not appreciate
@Ifancy_potato said in #38:
> please do not. i have gotten several random people in the past week sending me messages that i very much do not appreciate
ya but still its also spam so theres really just nothing to do abt it
@DaniAlYazdAni said in #39:
> ya but still its also spam so theres really just nothing to do abt it
You won't be able to stop it but I would prefer if you didnt tell the 8 year olds on the internet to annoy random people they find in the forums.

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