
Reporting Puzzle marking a winning line as wrong -it is 0.0 at low depth but winning at higher depth

Here is the puzzle in question.

h6 is also winning but is marked wrong in the puzzle. The only line for black to 'draw' involves sacrificing the rook for the white pawn and in the final position white is still winning (+5 at depth 27) with King Rook vs King 4 Pawns.

Would also love +8 puzzle rating points refunded if possible.

@milanrad said in #1:
> Here is the puzzle in question.
> h6 is also winning but is marked wrong in the puzzle. The only line for black to 'draw' involves sacrificing the rook for the white pawn and in the final position white is still winning (+5 at depth 27) with King Rook vs King 4 Pawns.
> Would also love +8 puzzle rating points refunded if possible.
> Thanks
Points won't get refundable in puzzles but when u lost against cheater u may get refundable rating points .
It's known that h6 is winning already but the evaluation for the 'correct' move is higher. Puzzles don't just ask you to find a winning move. They ask you to find the BEST move and perform analysis at like 45 depth or something crazy like that in their evaluation when being created.

And did you seriously just ask for a refund of 8 puzzle rating points? Play more puzzles lol.

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