

You guys love to drink coffee while playing chess online?
I've done all the rest, but sober is best. Even then though....I fail the test.

I attest: There usually is *some* additional chemical involved.
Hey, this is OTD. You do know the topic is "coffee" right?

But tea is a big one too. Along with sugar, it's the most widely used drug in the world. Hence the sarcasm in "Morning Coffee"'s post.
Haven't touched coffee in years. But do need caffeine in OTB chess, because it takes too long for my opponents to make a move.
Does slower time controls have more to do with our shorter attention spans than making it appealing to the masses?
Is this as opposed to having it intravenously injected? Yeah, I prefer to drink it - don't get that lovely smell when you go for the IV.

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