
Feature request: Mutual simuls.

Hello dear Lichess Team,

Thank you so much for the ton of superb features you've already made for lichess. You are the best!

My request would be to make a feature of mutual simuls (simuls to each other on multiple boards (something like basque chess)).

If it would be technically possible and boards would switch instantly then even a possibility of additional variant on lichess would be exciting.

I've played some simuls with some lichess streamers and it was a lot of fun.

These mutual simuls can go via very dynamical way and can be quite enjoyable for the fans of lichess twitch streamers as well.

Thank you for reading this post and for your feedback in advance.

Happy Holidays to Thibault, Lichess Team and Lichess Community!

Best regards,

Can I join a simul multiple times and select multiple variants? Choosing a variant is a difficult choice. It is already allowed to play games on the side while playing in simul or waiting for it to start.
@Lance5500 is very powerful simul host. He played 125 boards, allowed all variants, gave opponents lots of time, gave himself very little extra, and of course, beat everyone except some cheaters. @Lance5500 would be an awesome FIDE president. Everyone vote for Lance! He will make FIDE great again!
Thanks for your partly positive, partly funny and finally partly constructive post @Tangelo777. You are very kind. Happy holidays to you and goodluck in 2017 (including chess) !

It is the feature request, so it is too early to discuss what would be available. The first step is to find out if it is technically possible.
@Lance5500 Why do you need this feature? Can you just play several games simultaneously with the same opponent? You can always challenge players for games. Try challenging someone you already play for a new game. It may be possible.
@Tangelo777 I don't know about usual simul. I am not looking for any elections but you can, you have a great creativity for it.

I don't know about playing several games at once in separate windows.

You can see how it works via the perfect way.

One of examples:

From 1 hour 34 mins till 2 hours 4 mins.
+1 to the feature request, I'd be interested in that :)
@Tangelo777 Thanks for your kind and joking post but unfortunately it is offtopic. It would be great if you would give your feedback of the feature: "mutual simuls" after checking the video above from twitch.

@lecw Thanks for your support! :)
Mutual simuls are still a great dream of mine. It would be good to know if it is technically possible here. Thank you!

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