GM Gabrielian Lichess coach picture

GM Артур Габриелян

Available for training games, simuls.

Languagesрусский язык, English (US)
Hourly rate40$/1 hour
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am 39 years old, I am from Russia

Playing experience

Playing experience is 30 years.

Teaching experience

Teaching experience is 20 years. My best students are GM Alexey Sorokin and GM Semyon Khanin.

Other experiences

I have some commentator experience. For example, I commented on the match Wei I - Inarkiev.

Best skills

I see tactical strikes well, I am well acquainted with the classics of chess, there is a selection of standard positions, I understand the openings that I use well.

Teaching methodology

From simple to complex.