
Crazyhouse is like telling a story!

Chess variantAnalysisChess
Here is a game of mine against a top-flight player

I played a top Crazyhouse player last week

My opponent and I faced off in a 5-game series

I do not know who "byep" is, but they played, like really really good.

Let's face it: when playing someone 300-400 points above one's rating, it's going to be overwhelming. I did manage to "steal" a win to end the series 1 Win and 4 Losses on my end. I do not think my opponent played anywhere close to his best in my lone win, so here's a gem my opponent won.

In this fun Crazyhouse game, moves are equivalent to words to me. It's like: "I gotcha now! Take that!" "Oh, you want to do that to me? I'll do this!" "I see what you did there. I will get you back with this!" and so on...

How I analyzed the game

I did a computer analysis. I jumped right to my move 27 and then to his move 23. These were the turning points of the game.

My blunder was a silly one. I just needed to capture his or her Bishop on g2. Hmm.. now that I think of it, optically it actually makes more sense from an intuitive standpoint what I did—my move of dropping a piece to block check. My move makes more sense to me, at least in terms of bughouse-logic, because I think in a way my King is more vulnerable on g2 than on f2. The problem in the game was: when I dropped the Knight to block check, he took that Knight and used it to drop it on the board himself! That begs the question: if only I dropped a pawn, then? I definitely find that my move makes more Bughouse sense than Crazyhouse.

My opponent's blunder was one in which he or she had missed something that I can guarantee I myself wouldn't have been able to find in a hundred thousand light-years! If a top player, as my opponent is, couldn't find it, then I really don't think anyone could've. Maybe, just maybe an alien could've found it... nah, jk. But it was a deliciously sweet mate that he missed. 23...Q@g1+ would've been mate in 4 for him or her, and 23...R@g1+ would've been mate in 5 for him or her. The 23...R@g1+ mate doesn't look very intuitive to me. 23...Q@g1 is an absolutely breathtaking mate: Sacrifice the queen and then go Nh3 followed by R@f2 and p@g2 mate.

I appreciate your support! This is my very first blog post, so let me know what I can do to improve, and feel free to tell me what I could've done better in this game.