
Bongclouding Against FM'S !

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Bongclouding Against FM'S !

Greeting Everyone,
Hope you are awesome today!
This Year, I Had a chance to play Against 2 Popular FM s: @annacramling & @annamaja
In Both Games I bong Clouded Wich Surprised Anna Cramling But Anna-Maja Responded By playing Bongcloud as well.
My Game Against Anna Cramling Was Very Weird Because I Got Disconnected and the Game Got Abandoned But she Visited My Profile & My Youtube Channel!
This Is My Game against Anna If You're Interested:

But My Game Against @annamaja Was Very Good. I had 1 Knight more than here and I had lots of attacking Positions But I made a Big Mistake and Moved My Rook Up And she Mated Me in one. But I enjoyed The Game.
Here is the game if you're Interested:

Hope You Enjoyed it!
Thanks To Anna Cramling & Anna Maja For The Games!