
Search "user:theoretical_chaos"

5 forum posts
Game analysis - how do I analyse my opening weaknesses?#13

@mrbasso That's true for any chess computer / book / ECO list / master database when playing a slow time-control.

Game analysis - how do I analyse my opening weaknesses?#12

@ambrooks I found the same - it made no sense as openings I thought I struggled with looked fine in the stats. Then I found you can use the advanced filters and import games from opponents over a cert…

Game analysis - how do I analyse my opening weaknesses?#8

@theTestoftheWest is exactly what I was looking for. A great resoource, thanks.

Game analysis - how do I analyse my opening weaknesses?#7

Thanks everyone for your replies and all these options - I will take a look.

Game analysis - how do I analyse my opening weaknesses?#1

I have played a few thousand games on Lichess and now want to do some simple statistical analysis to find the common opening lines that I do particularly badly at. Ideally it would work a bit like usi…
