
Search "user:visuseast"

31 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Atomic Chess! :-D#74

^I haven't been able to find anything like it, would be pretty nice though

General Chess Discussion - Random Chess #6

Well, perhaps it could be random pieces, but each person gets the same. Kind of like how both players get the same positions in Chess 960.

Lichess Feedback - Antichess bug?#4

It's allowed here, but I think it's pretty silly. It's possible to still win if he's hugging your king with his (as you proved) but if it was in an open area, you'd have to get rid of all his pieces a…

General Chess Discussion - Atomic Chess! :-D#70

You could also do Nc6 I think. But Nh6 is the best response

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess vs

Yeah, lichess is much simpler yet a hell of a lot better. Much easier to just pick up a game and play with someone, on if you wanted to play with a friend, they'd have to create an account, …

Lichess Feedback - Atomic Chess Analysis Bug#1

Not the most exciting game, but I did notice a glitch when going through the analysis for it: Once you click next to go to move 16. Rxa8 for white, the board just res…

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess Bugs me Out#3

I noticed this a couple years ago, when I would send a link to my friends to play. It was a glitch that would let spectators make moves. I don't know if this is the same problem.

Lichess Feedback - 3 Check Analysis Counter#1

Just a small suggestion, when going back and viewing a 3-Check game, there is no counter for checks as you go along, you can only see the final score upon game end. I know you could keep a counter in …

Lichess Feedback - Chess Variants#1

First off, I would like to say that I absolutely love the site and how there are so many different variants. I had read about many variants but was never able to try them out. Lichess has given me the…

Off-Topic Discussion - why draw?#5

It is possible to force a checkmate with Bishop+Knight (I think) and Bishop+Bishop are possible, but it is impossible to force one with Knight+Knight (but still possible to do)
