
Search "user:gabrr82"

158 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to get to a 1500 rating in rapid?#7

Forget London blah blah blah, stop dropping pieces. You're welcome.

General Chess Discussion - Why I m not improving#18

Maybe this is your limit. It happens. If we all could improve indefinetely, we all would beat Magnus Carlsen eventually. Just be happy with what you get.

General Chess Discussion - No real usernames in puzzle racer#4

It would be more clear if the results were presented as positions and not a ranking, since this is based on a racing metaphor. Like, I was in fourth in a race, but it presents the results as "ranking …

General Chess Discussion - The usage of Bobby Fischer's name#36

Well, he was searching for Bobby Fischer, what else would you name it.

General Chess Discussion - 26 moves, 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes and 0 serious mistakes.#9

@celinofj maybe the engine had the opportunity to "think" a bit more, and discovered that was a 0.7 loss (instead of 0.3 or less)? Idk too... either way I don't think they will accuse you of cheating.…

General Chess Discussion - Forced win for white is proven: The Ontological Attack#21

If Baruch de Spinoza played chess.

General Chess Discussion - So the King's Gambit is objectively bad?#40

It is a very playable opening for amateurs IMO.

General Chess Discussion - 26 moves, 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes and 0 serious mistakes.#4

You had zero innacuracies, but that doesn't mean you didn't lose centipawns. As far I know, a move is only considered an "innacuracy" if it loses at least 30 centipawns in a move. So you may have zero…

General Chess Discussion - sandbagging: a good method#25

Just imagine what a sad life it is, sandbagging or cheating. I mean, when I see something like this, I really feel sorry for the person (no irony here). It is probably someone with huge problems other…

General Chess Discussion - Sore losers#19

You taste the sweet taste of victory slowly. Their denial makes it much better. I like when they do that. It is just like appreciating a good glass of wine.
