
Search "user:Sequoia_giganteum"

16 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - pro-bono Tutoring#2

How can you say that you're stuck at 1500 classical rating ? You didn't play a single game against a "real" person. Playing against computer is not the same !

General Chess Discussion - Players attacking early.#4

Higher level players don't attack before being fully developped because it's not good and they know it !

General Chess Discussion - Players attacking early.#2

In my experience, if someone starts to attack very early without having all is pieces developped, the attack won't work and I will be able to counter-attack.

Lichess Feedback - Why have LM requirements increased over time?#13

@ FireWorks : Of course you have to pay something ! Nothing is free in the FIDE world ! look here : chapter 8: Application Fees for Titles a…

Lichess Feedback - It's so unfair.#7

@ proof_07: I had this problem once. I was winnig with a mate in one, and it just disconnected before I had time to do it, and I lost on time. It was so frustrating !

Lichess Feedback - Microsoft Edge#6

Microsoft edge sucks ! So simply don't use it. There are a lot of better internet browsers
