
Lichess Statement on the War in Ukraine

@onlysumedh said in #36:
> Complete Bullsh*t. Lichess has been around since 2010. No action was taken against any country for the wars in Darfur, Pakistan, Iraq , Syria, Yemen, The Kivu conflict, the Congo war and countless more which had much greater death tolls. Completely political stance. Its a shame to see lichess sink to these depths.
> Sports was meant to be apolitical. What you are doing is betraying the spirit of sports. I don't endorse the invasion but no sports entity must ever take action in political matters.

How many of these were invasions designed to conquer a country, annex territory, and destroy a people / country from existing at all? Invasions to erase a cultural identity?

There have been very little aggressive pro-conquest wars in the last 80 years. Off the top of my head I can't think of many. The Falklands, maybe? Most are civil wars or border skirmishes over disputed claims, not an outright invasion of a nation. Even the Iraq war wasn't with the purpose of conquering territory to become part of another country.
@onlysumedh said in #38:
> That's the thing. Sports was meant to be an haven of neutrality. A constant in human life despite the ongoing conflicts. Betraying that spirit is disgraceful.

Many believe the Olympics ended the cold war. Sports in its essence is political. Its where we go to represent our flags and compete with other countries. Russia chose to leave that field.

Let me put it to you this way. The people of Russia are completely brainwashed and will soon be cut off from the rest of the world. Many calling their families in Russia are shocked to hear that they don't even believe and invasion is happening and that Russians are simply defending against Nazi's and handing out blankets and foods to the Ukrainians. Once they realize it is the world who has cut off them and not the other way around, they will start to wonder why and hopefully find the truth.
Ukraine should not have been attacked for wanting to join nato
@onlysumedh said in #38:
> That's the thing. Sports was meant to be an haven of neutrality. A constant in human life despite the ongoing conflicts. Betraying that spirit is disgraceful.

You're gonna be really shocked when you find out what the international sports community did to South Africa with regards to their pro-apaetheid position in the 80s...
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@Cynosure said in #41:
> How many of these were invasions designed to conquer a country, annex territory, and destroy a people / country from existing at all? Invasions to erase a cultural identity?
> There have been very little aggressive pro-conquest wars in the last 80 years. Off the top of my head I can't think of many. The Falklands, maybe? Most are civil wars or border skirmishes over disputed claims, not an outright invasion of a nation. Even the Iraq war wasn't with the purpose of conquering territory to become part of another country.

sooo we are against invasion of a nation not against war in general, who cares about civilian casualties in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, following your logic right?
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All world support ukrain and it's good but I don't know why no body say about yeman war ?
@torresjrjr said in #22:
> Good point. Let me clarify my comment.
> Dear Lichess administrators,
> Please stay apolitical, especially with regards to geopolitics, but except of course with regards to the broad matters of libre software and libre culture.

Is quiet acceptance of hostile aggression, and tyranny part of the libre culture? As lichess says, they are vocal advocates of freedom, transparency, and mutual collaboration - all things which seem in short shrift from certain countries at the moment.

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